In this week's Club Communications we bring you one final reminder to nominate unsung heroes in your community for a Community Recognition Award. You will also find news on Stage 2 of the Schools & Youth NCR consultation. We also bring reminders to register to take part in Tartan Touch and register players for this year's Player Development Programme. Finally, we bring exciting news on the return of Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week, with information on how your school can take part!
Less than 24 hours left to nominate your club, school or society heros - Community Recognition Awards 2024!
This is the final call to make a nomination for this year's Community Recognition Awards!
Since 2019, we have recognised the achievements, impact and incredible acts of kindness from more than 120 volunteers across clubs, schools and societies in Scotland. We want to put a spotlight on many more, and we need your nominations!
The categories are:
An additional award will be presented to the Glasgow South region, the Adam Gray Memorial Award in recognition of those who have shown an outstanding contribution to the game in the region.
The applications for making a nomination, plus the terms and conditions can be found on our website, linked below.
Applications close at midnight, tonight, 31 January 2024.
Read More & Apply
Schools & Youth NCRs: Stage 2 Consultation
Comments and suggestions are invited in respect of potential changes to the Schools & Youth National Competition Rules to be used during Season 2024/25.
Once approved, the updated version of these competition rules will replace the current version (which can be viewed via the link below).
In their consultation response, respondees are asked to:
Responses should be submitted by email to no later than 12 noon on Friday 16 February 2024.
Click here for the Consultation
2023/2024 NCR's
Player Development Hubs applications open
Nominations for this year's Player Development Hub programme are now live.
The Player Development Hub programme will provide additional training and playing opportunities for nominated U15 boys and girls.
Nominated players will take part in a series of training sessions and festivals throughout April and May (dates tbc) at venues throughout Scotland.
Nominations can be made only by coaches who are registered on the SCRUMS system as of Monday 22 January 2024. Registered coaches on SCRUMS can then nominate players by clicking ‘PDH Nominations’ on the SCRUMS left hand menu.
To find out more about the programme, its aims and the nomination criteria, please review the document linked below. You can also watch a webinar with information on this year's programme, again, linked below.
Nominations close Sunday 18 February 2024.
Read More Here
Calling all schools - it's time to sign up to Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week 2024!
Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week is set to enter its fourth iteration of the programme from Monday 18 March, and schools can now register their interest to take part.
Click on the link below to complete our registration form!
This year, the programme will look to celebrate and promote both new and existing rugby activity within the state school environment through a multidimensional approach of educational resource, in-person support and marketing activity.
Ahead of the week-long activity, Scottish Rugby will be providing refreshed and enhanced resources for teachers and volunteers within the school environment.
Alongside Scottish Rugby’s six School Rugby Officers, whose roles are aligned to working with schools to develop pathways and programmes for both curriculum-based and extra-curricular rugby, Scottish Rugby’s network of Development Officers will also engage with local schools to help plan and deliver activity throughout the week with the aim of increasing playing opportunities for pupils.
Whether your school currently delivers rugby, or is just starting out, Saltire Energy Rugby Schools Week is the perfect opportunity to light the rugby spark with pupils!
Papa Johns Tartan Touch applications are now open!
Clubs across Scotland are now invited to submit their interest to become a Papa Johns Tartan Touch hub for Summer 2024!
Running between May and July, Papa Johns Tartan Touch is designed to provide a simplified version of non-contact rugby with the aim of attracting players of all abilities, ages and levels of experience who are looking to improve their fitness through simple and social activity.
Applications are now open for returning hubs and new hubs to register their interest - click on the link below to access the application pack!
Applications close on 12 February 2024.